
By default, the Flux SDK does some massages of the data that it gets from the API. This helps keep responses simpler and more consistent, as well as providing some level of future-proofing.

To restore original behaviour, simply replace the serializer with an identity function. For example:

Cell.serialize = function(response) { return response; }

To override a serialization, replace it with whatever else you want. For example:

Cell.serialize = function(response) {
  return {
    cellId: response.CellId,
    // other things

You can also base your own serializer off of the existing behaviour. For example:

var originalCellListSerializer = CellList.serializeList;

Cell.serializeList = function(response) {
  var serializedCells = originalCellListSerializer(response);
  return serializedCells.entities;

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