
Instance methods:

Static methods and properties:

Instance Methods

constructor: FluxSdk(clientId, options)


  1. clientId (String): The client ID provided to you when you created your app.
  2. options (Object = { redirectUri: String, clientSecret: String, fluxUrl: String)

    redirectUri: The URL that the user should be sent to by Flux after authorizing your app. This should be a URL that you specified when creating your app.

    clientSecret: The client secret provided to you when you created your app. The client secret is required for Node apps, but SHOULD NOT be passed to browser apps!

    fluxUrl: Use to override the base Flux URL, e.g., for testing purposes

getAuthorizeUrl(state, nonce, [options])


  1. state (String): A secure (i.e., unique and non-guessable) string. If you would like to maintain any state throughout the auth process, such as an internal path that the user should be redirected to later, it should be encoded into the state.
  2. nonce (String): A secure string.
  3. options (Object = { redirectUri: String })

    redirectUri: This will override the redirectUri specified in the constructor.

    Note: The redirectUri in getAuthorizeUrl must match the redirectUri in exchangeCredentials


(String) The URL that the user should be sent to in order to authorize your app.

exchangeCredentials(state, nonce, urlQuery, [options])


  1. state (String): A secure string. This should match the state passed to getAuthorizeUrl
  2. nonce (String): A secure string. This should match the nonce passed to getAuthorizeUrl
  3. responseQuery (Object = { code: String, state: String, flux_token: String })

    The response from the Flux server when the user is redirected after authenticating your app.

    Node: These should come from the query params

    Browser: This is handled for you!

  4. options (Object = { redirectUri: String })

    redirectUri: This will override the redirectUri specified in the constructor. Note: The redirectUri in exchangeCredentials must match the redirectUri in getAuthorizeUrl


Promise --> (Credentials) Validated credentials that can be used to make subsequent requests on behalf of a user.

The credentials should be stored somewhere, such as in the app's session storage if you are writing a Node e.g., Express) server or in the browser's localStorage if you are writing a browser app.


See User#constructor

sdk.getUser(credentials) is equivalent to new User(credentials)

Static Methods and Properties

User(credentials) (constructor)

See User#constructor

Project(credentials, id) (constructor)

See Project

DataTable(credentials, id) (constructor)

See DataTable#constructor

Cell(credentials, dataTableId, id) (constructor)

See Cell#constructor



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